


Reproductions of Harley-Davidson Hummer Parts

Chain Guard manufactured in our facility

60301-47 Chain guard, painted, square nut, with fasteners (47) $114.00
60301-53 Chain guard, painted, tapped stud, with spacers and fasteners (48) $114.00
60301-63 Chain guard, rear section, painted, with fasteners (48) $144.00
60506-63 Chain guard, front section, painted, with fasteners (51) $46.20
60301-66 Chain guard, rear section, unpainted, fiberglass, Bobcat only (49) $150.00
60506-66 Chain guard, front section, unpainted, fiberglass, Bobcat only (52) $59.40

These Bobcat parts are special made as the call for them is almost non-existent. I make them because no one else has or will (?) and it is a shame not to be able to put one of these bikes back on the road.
I also have made a small number of the 50227-66 Body part. It is a fiberglass part and reinforced at the known breakpoints where the originals generally failed.
Call for availability and cost.